Here is a list of fonts that are used in some of our products:
- Montserrat
- Good Pro (FF Good)
- Font Awesome
- Faricy New
- Rift
- League Gothic
- Open Sans
- Bebas Neue by Fontfabric (based on v1.4)
- Lato
- Roboto
- PT Mono
- Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R
- Myriad Pro (comes with Adobe After Effects, or download it here)
- Inter
- Alverata
- Nobel
If you do not see the missing font in the list above, it is likely because the font used in your Motion Graphics Template was changed from the default to some other font that you are missing.
Font not displaying after installation?
Please, make sure to:
1. Restart After Effects / Premiere Pro after a font is installed.
2. If the font is still not visible, checkout the following guide.
3. If you're still experiencing trouble, do not hesitate to contact us.